
Welcome to the third and final module of your Reiki training!

By no means is this the end of your Reiki journey, as there is lifelong personal and spiritual development involved. But at the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation for taking your Reiki path wherever you would like to take it.

Traditional Usui Reiki Degree 3 training is titled "Sensei", which translates to Teacher, as it is the level of attunement necessary to begin teaching the beautiful practice of Reiki to others who wish to take a similar journey as you in the Reiki training. Once you have learned the master symbol and received your attunement, you will be able to learn and master the process of attuning others to Reiki energy. In this course, you will also learn additional traditional meditations and ceremonies encompassed in the practice.

Understand that becoming a Reiki Master is not for personal gain, but to better the lives of others. The fees associated Reiki training are twofold. First of all, they ensure that the person taking the training is serious about the path. If they have exchanged something they find valuable for their training (in this case money), they will be more likely to take their training seriously as they have something to "lose" by not completing it. They're literally invested in the process. Secondly, it allows the Master to live outside of poverty and be in a position where they can afford to teach others this beautiful practice. I personally don't believe in charging thousands of dollars as some Masters do. I believe that Reiki training should be accessible to all who choose this path, especially since it is a "God given" right that everyone already has access to. After all, the more practitioners we have, the more people can get help, and the higher vibration that the entire world will become.

If we can let go of all ego, we can understand that we as Reiki Masters/Teachers are just tools; no different than the Reiki symbols that we entone to enhance our practices. This is why the biggest pre-requisite to taking this final training is a desire and intention to help others. The more we help others, the more we achieve as a Collective.

I can't wait to see where you take this path and the things you do to make our world a little lighter!

As always, sending love and light blessings on your journey

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